new arrivals
almost gone

Alpaca Stuffed Micro Bear

Hi! We are Shelby & Bianca and we are SO glad you're here! A little bit about us: Our husbands are brothers which makes us sister-in-laws! They also have their own Excavation Business, SiteCo. Shelby is the mama of two sweet angel boys, and is a Registered Nurse. Shelby is behind a lot of our social media, and you'll often see her doing your local deliveries. Bianca is the mama of two precious curly-haired girls! She recently left teaching after 10-years, and has started a new job which allows her to be more present with her family. Bianca does almost all of the shopping for our products & is the creative brains behind our operation! We really balance each other out. We love seeing your littles in Little Bo & Co, and we are so thankful!!!